Before our big trip we had done a few days of sailing after Terrwyn came off "the hard" during which time while unfurling the jib my foot rolled off a sheet lying on the cockpit locker (where I was standing) and I crashed down smashing my ribs (not to mention a nice bonk on the noggin!!) on the side of the cockpit. Since then I've been hampered by the pain (literally) of a number of broken ribs. Note to self: make sure all sheets and lines are freshened immediately after use (i.e. as an old sailing captain I once knew used to say "ship shape in Bristol style!") and also perhaps think about wearing appropriate footwear (or ideally no footwear) so one can feel what one is standing on. Oh well, that did not stop us from having a great time Sailing the Sound!
Here's a clip of Co-Cap William enjoying one of the few times he was able to be on the helm (they don't call me Helm Hog for nothing!)... OK don't ask me why I decided to turn the camera on it's side part way through this video - I don't know maybe the broken ribs thingy affected my brain!
Now here are a few salty words from Captain William describing some of the highlights of our trip:
Co - cap William here
We are just back from a full week of sailing, frankly training and putting Terrwyn through her paces in and about Desolation Sound. This was a major shakedown cruise for all three of us. She, Terrwyn, has been demo-ing "her" own personality and nature throughout (they don't name boats after girls by accident). It's a matter of : presence, lines, movement, beauty, speed, curves, weight, toughness, forgiveness, proportions, and dare I say, possession and loyalty... and did I mention love.
Items on our agenda last week included flying our light air sails to storm sails all with Monti (Scanmar's Monitor Servo-Pendulum Windvane) doing his magic. (In this photo Monti does not have his 'sail' which is normally attached ).
Monti is our third crew and essential sailor. The windvane is a quintessential component to offshore sailing with a small crew and a totally new item of sailing where I had no experience. It is an amazing tool and after a little practice and review with the folks at Scanmar we are up and sailing on all points of sail and with several different sail combinations. All of which is a huge relief and puts joy in my heart.
We also flew the Trysail ( a smaller, loose footed mainsail alternative, essentially a storm mainsail ) the "Try" has never been hoisted in 20 years and came to us with Lively Lady's initial wardrobe. We had Hasse and Co, of Port Townsend Sails, re-finish her, add a third row of stitching, a visibility patch and upgrade the luff slugs and tack/clew cringles. It has its own luff track and halyard to starboard of the main track. This allows us to put the main sail to bed under cover and lash the boom on the gallows which adds huge security to all crew below in the cockpit or on the deck. Then if flown with the spinnaker, accidental jibes are frankly a no big deal and increases the safe breeze angle of attack, as well as keeping the center of effort well forward faciliating Monti's job of keeping us on track from aft. The "Try" gives stability in taking down the spinnaker and saves the main's integrity for another day, beautiful, fun, safe and easy but lots of sail area to drive the boat in light airs to love it.
During a quiet spell we deployed the 9 ft diameter para-sail sea anchor with its 300 ft 5/8 inch nylon rode and stern bridle to turn Terrwyn's bow 50 degrees off the predominate wave train. 
This is one of the ultimate storm tactics in addition to heaving to which we hope to never have to use. Now at least this manoeuvre is not a complete novelty to us and in our tool chest down below to stay we trust.
It looked like a surreal giant sea monster jelly fish when fully opened ... I couldn't stop snapping shots of it as it drifted out from the bow!
We found we could easily empty the chute by pulling on a couple of the lines and quickly drag it back on board when finished. Easy-peasy!
Each night, at anchorages, we would drop the 45lb CQR anchor and raise it without incident via the new H-3 Lewmar horizontal windlass. It worked like a dream and we tried out the manual override so again, hopefully, we will not have to use it again and it was good.
Sparrow's bridle was next set up and we repeatedly hoisted the Sparrow in and out of the ocean as well as having her own sail setup and sailed about Grace Harbour, Gorge Harbour and Prideaux Haven - great fun.
Cathy swam about in her wet suit and looked great broken wing and all...
That's about all that happened and aside from stripping off old stain and applying new stain on Terrwyn's gunnels and polishing the brass it was a major relaxation holiday in perfect weather as the Pacific High finally drifted over to include BC and we were there!!
Yahoooo!!... as we are now back in Calgary keeping the other home front going ....till our next visit to our shiny new baby sailing machine.
Fair leads,
Co Cap Billy,
S/V Terrwyn
Co Cap Billy,
I think Co-Cap William is beginning to enjoy adding his thoughts to these blogs... good job!
Well... until we next "See you when we see you"...
Fair winds
Co-Caps Catherine and William
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